I chose to explore the project site for my graduate creative project. The image above is a graphic representation of the surrounding land use. The surrounding area transitions from commercial zoning to residential housing to a natural park setting. There is also an arterial road (Binford
Blvd) that dissects the area.
A combination of Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and AutoCad was used to create the above image. Photoshop allowed me to create the three sections. Entourage was found through the use of Google Images and files from my image library. These elements were then cropped and combined in Photoshop. Different opacities were used to create a sense of depth. The
leader lines and labeling of the sections were done in Illustrator.
A map of Indiana was found through Google Images. In Photoshop, the background colors and labels were deleted, leaving just the outline of the state and counties. The Paint Bucket tool was used to fill in the background with a solid color. This file was then placed into Illustrator. The
opacity was lightened so that it fades into the background.
The map of Indianapolis' highway system was found on Google Images. The background and other elements from clipped out by using the Polygonal Lasso tool in Photoshop. This file was then laid over top of the Indiana map. The opacity was then lightened.
An aerial map was pulled from Google maps and imported into AutoCad. The streets and water zones were then traced to create the line work. This file was then exported into Illustrator. The line weights were adjusted to create a hierarchy for the streets. The Blob Brush tool was used to paint the project site. Text was added.
This type of analysis helped me understand the character of the area surrounding the project site. While designing, this understanding will assist me in my choices of shape, form, and materials.